Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Hi - My name is Boo Boo

Hello, I'm Boo Boo. I am an imaginary friend of a 4 and a half year old boy named Nosam, and I have decided to write a blog so I can express myself to the world and exist a little more. Let me explain: Being an imaginary friend to a 4 and a half year old is not all that it is cracked up to be, and my goal is to let the surfers of this world wide web take a peek into my so called life. You see, I only exist when someone thinks or talks about me or to me. When this is not happening, I simply am not. Then how I am writing this blog? Well, anyone that Nosam has talked to about me can think about me too, and when they do that, I exist.

Nosam’s dad is acting as my conduit to write this blog. I wish he would take a shower though, because he smells a little funky today. You see, Nosam’s dad, let's just call him Jake, lets me take over his body and mind to do this. Jake and I came up with this brainstorm while Jake had a day off and began daydreaming about me. Once I was in his somewhat spacious head, I explained to him how utterly lonely and boring my life is when I am not being thought of.

“Jake, think of like this:” I said “You are in the bottom of a dry well at night, where it is so dark that you can't even see your hand in front of your face. There are no sounds, no time, and no space to move around in. That is what non-existence is like, but much worse.”

“Wow” he replied while scrunching his eyebrows and rubbing his forehead.

“That is downright depressing. How can I help you?”

“You are doing it right now” I said.

That is when that old pull string activated 40 watt light bulb in his head turned on, and after much, well thought out discussion we came up with the “Blog Plan”

Jake loves to write and is very good at it. The only problem is that at the time he had no idea in the world what he wanted to write about. Well through my existence “issues” he now has unlimited material from his 4 and a half year old son.

The beauty of this “Blog Plan” is that whenever I am writing it through Jake, I exist. Whenever someone reads it, I exist. Whenever anyone talks about it, I exist. Not to mention all the time I exist whenever that wonderful little man Nosam plays with me or thinks about me. So, if this blog catches on and people start reading it, I will be able to enjoy the beauty of existence much more.

Best of all, Jake is happy because he gets to write about all my adventures with Nosam and the wonderful places I visit and the wonderful people I meet. Each day Nosam invents the most tremendous excursions and escapades that I will now be able to share with millions thanks to Jake. It is a win-win-win-win situation for everyone involved, and with your help I might never have to feel like I am at the bottom of a deep, dark, and empty well. So for now this is all I have to say, but as long as Jake keeps letting me write, and you keep reading, I will be able to take you on some of the most fantastic voyages that a 4 year old can dream of.

Until Tomorrow,
Boo-Boo Butterfield

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